Pre-launch checklist for a website to go live
With your optimisation phase completed, you’ll be looking to move on to the final phases, Launch and Reset.
This is when all the work you’ve done on your website, comes to fruition as you take it live and allow it to be accessed by your customers or users.
This is the moment your Agency, your Business and the public have been waiting for so it’s important to get it right!
To that end, it’s a good idea to have a website checklist in place to make sure you’ve dotted all your i’s and crossed all your t’s.
This website checklist will be bigger or smaller depending on the project and every Web Designer or Developer, will have their own list and order they prefer.
What we’ll provide here is a baseline that applies to all websites, so you have a starting point to make your own list.
The website checklist
A website checklist is here to ensure everything that was supposed to happen has actually been done. Let’s take a closer look at the list.
First, we have the list for Content.
- We check that all items from the content inventory are accounted for.
- That all content on pages has been signed off by the owner.